Study Barta 24

A Road Accident Paragraph for Class 8, 10, 12, SSC and HSC

A Road Accident

If you’re searching for a road accident paragraph, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ve shared here several paragraphs about road accidents that are suitable for classes 8, 10, 12, SSC, and HSC.

Related question: 

  • What is called a road accident?
  • What are the causes of road accidents?
  • What damages are caused by road accidents?
  • What measures can be taken to prevent road accidents?

A Road Accident Paragraph 200 Words

Currently, road accidents happen all over the globe on a regular basis. It is increasing day by day. Street accidents cause thousands of deaths every year. Most road accidents take place in urban areas and in highways.

The causes of road accidents are reckless driving, brake failures of vehicles, over-taking of one vehicle by another, and driving by unskilled drivers. Overloading of vehicles is another reason for accidents. Another reason is the violation of traffic rules.

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Sometimes, speeding vehicles crash into ditches or rivers, killing their passengers instantly. Many lives are nipped in the bud. Many families lose the only earning member. So road accident is like a curse in our life.

This problem can be solved by all efforts from both the authority and the general masses. To do so, first, our general people have to be made aware. Government should take the necessary steps. Drivers must be skilled and avoid overtaking. Overtaking can increase the risk of an accident, especially if the driver misjudges the speed of the vehicle he is trying to pass.

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By taking the necessary steps, this problem can be solved. Traffic rules should be imposed strictly. Passers-by and drivers should be aware. Social media and television can play a vital role in this regard.

A Road Accident Paragraph for HSC

The phenomenon of road accidents is common in our country. Drivers are responsible for it because they are careless on the road. It snatches away valuable lives. It leaves many people seriously injured.

Just a few days earlier, I witnessed a terrible accident in front of our school. When I think about it now, my body trembles with fear. I was entering our school campus. At that time, a pickup van was running at a high speed from Gazipur Chowrasta.

Suddenly, a little boy living in the slum by the roadside crossed the road to go to the other side. In this case, the driver was unable to control the speed because of his sudden movement. The child was immediately pressed into a lump of blood and bone after being struck by the pickup van. The child died before anyone could do anything.

Immediately a hue and cry roared. As the parents came out of the roadside slum, they screamed heartbreakingly. The total atmosphere became heavy with their lamentations. Many people gathered around the road, including students from our school. Someone began to hurl angry words, shart comments, and dirty abuses at the driver.

This pathetic and heartbreaking scene greatly shocked me. The sight of the child’s flesh and blood almost suffocated me; my blood circulation seemed to have been suspended. I will never forget the memory of this tragic road accident.

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